Storage & Handling
Bluff has developed a line of storage & handling products for the warehouse to help make your warehouse operation safe & extremely efficient. These products range from highly efficient storage for specialty items to safe & efficient equipment that helps you optimize pick-and-pack operations.
Storage & Handling
Bluff has developed a line of storage and handling products for the warehouse to help make your warehouse operation safe and extremely efficient. We can customize any product to meet your exact site requirements and optimize your operation.

Cantilever & Packing Box Racks
Superior, economical, durable, efficient storage & retrieval system solutions to optimize your operation.

Order Pickers & Custom Carts
Designed to move substantial quantities of boxes or small packages.
(Capacities of 4,000 Lbs.)

Forklift Safety Cage
Designed to safely lift a person with a forklift without the need for an expensive scissor lift.
(1,000 Lb. Capacity Load Rating)

Sheet Rock Dollies
Ideal for moving drywall, paneling, and plywood around tight corners.
(Capacities of 2,000 Lbs.)

Slab Handling Equipment
Increases safety, security, & enhances the display of slab products.
(Capacities of 10,000 Lbs. Per Side)

Keg Flow Rack Inserts
Save distributors space & allow for faster & easier handling of craft kegs.