Who has a crystal ball to see into the future?
These days , senior managers, are having to make difficult choices (as we always do) about how much to spend, what to spend it on, and when to spend it. We all wish we knew with certainty what will be different with this economic cycle, but this time it’s even worse than normal… the stats […]
The World is Now Going Slower
NOT! We all seem to be moving faster and faster these days. As they say, “The hurrier I go, the behinder I get”. So what can we do to reclaim some of that time and efficiency when we’re racing around in the warehouse, trying to get stuff loaded and unloaded, picked and put away, but […]
Freight Railroads Plan $24.5 Million Revitalization Project
The Association of American Railroads (AAR) announced that freight railroads will be investing an estimated $24.5 million into a major freight railroad revitalization plan in 2013 according to Material Handling Wholesaler magazine’s March issue. This comprehensive plan includes building, maintaining and upgrading America’s rail network to ensure that freight railroads continue to contribute to the […]
Bridging Gaps in the Recycling Industry
According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the U.S. recycles over 85 million tons of trash each year. In fact, Forbes magazine reported that in 2012, American communities on average spent more on waste management than any other public service, including fire protection, parks and recreation, libraries, and schoolbooks. In addition to trash handled […]
Safety doesn’t happen by accident
September 2012 marks the ninth annual National Preparedness Month. Sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the goal of National Preparedness Month is to educate the community about how to prepare for various types of emergencies. Ready.gov is FEMA’s official preparedness website and a great resource for those looking for more information about the […]
Drucker challenges with five simple, yet important questions.
“The mission says why you do what you do, not the means by which you do it.” – Peter Drucker In our day-to-day business as manufacturers, resellers, marketers, accountants or whatever titles we hold, we forget to stop and reflect. Why are we doing what we’re doing? Is it purely bottom-line economics? Or are we […]
Summarizing SERC 2012 – The Southeast Recycling Conference
The 25th Southeast Recycling Conference & Trade Show – SERC – was in sunny Destin, Florida at the Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort & Spa held between March 11 – 14, 2012. Two of our lucky employees got to attend this wonderful show at a fantastic location and this blog is a summary of their […]
Simple steps to reduce shipping claims or better ways to recover damages
We’d love to have zero claims on all our shipments that go out. But in the event we do have some claims, here’s how we can all work together to either reduce the number of claims or recover the damages. Last Friday, one of our employees that works with Con-way met with one of their […]
Creating High Performance Teams
February is the month of love and relationships; but when the calendar turns to March we still have to nurture our relationships if we want them to be healthy all year long. All of our relationships need care if they are to be strong and productive – even the business ones at work. For this […]
Steady mezzanines on unsteady grounds!
Earthquakes are a terrifying possibility in areas with high seismic activity. The destruction of property, land, and most importantly, human lives drives us to take into careful consideration all standards required to protect our buildings and structures from these terrible tremors and shakes. When you know you live in an area of high seismic activity, […]