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Why Measurements Matter: Yard Ramp Edition

What is the purpose of a yard ramp? The two basic applications for yard ramps are (1) ground to trailer and (2) ground to top of dock. The ground to trailer approach is used to load and unload product while ground to top of dock is used to bring equipment into the warehouse or equipment […]

Red Pin Steel Dock Board (C) – easy solution for difficult trailer to dock.

The Red Pin Steel Dock Board is perfect for difficult trailer-to-dock positions. Its design allows for offset parking and is helpful in other ways such as: Dual-pin locking system All-welded steel construction Capacities from 15,000 to 40,000 pounds Help your customers with the correct solution. With its unique, dual pin locking system fully along both […]

Steel Dock Board (T) – safe and strong to handle heavy loads.

All Bluff steel dock boards are manufactured and tested in compliance with ANSI Standard MH30.2 and are OSHA 1910.26 compliant. Capacities from 15,000 to 40,000 pounds Two four-hole pin pockets placed on each edge Fold-down lifting loops Double-bend design This heavy-duty steel dock board is held in position using two 1″ stress-proof steel pins. When […]

Speedy Board ® – improve forklift safety and efficiency.

Most accidents occur when the driver is outside the safety of the cage Here we take the steel “T” board design and “kick it up a notch” or two to create the Speedy Board®. Fork cutouts are added to the leading edge of the board, allowing your driver the ability to “scoop” the board and […]

Container Ramps – load and unload containers safely and quickly.

The perfect answer for loading and unloading freight from shipping containers. The Bluff Shipping Container Ramp is used to load and unload cargo from ground level shipping containers with a forklift. It allows for safe navigation in  the transition from ground to the bed of the shipping container. Many end-user industry segments are using containers […]

Easier to Move Aluminum Dock Boards

We heard from many of you that you wanted this option. We developed a series of aluminum dock boards with casters .  These are available as an option for our aluminum dock boards up to 60 inches in width and 48 inches in length. Check out the video to see the new dock board in […]

Bluff Safety Line

Bluff offers a wide range of safety equipment that can help reduce the costs associated with employee injury, machinery down-time, insurance claims and building repairs due to accidental collisions.  A few of the items we offer are door guards, tough guards and rack guards. Door Guard Door guards help protect overhead door tracks from damage.  […]

Conveyor Crossover

What is a Conveyor Crossover? A conveyor crossover is a specifically designed product that allows personnel to safely cross over active conveyors at designated locations. A crossover provides an increase in worker safety and can dramatically enhance the efficiency of workflow. Bluff Crossover – Longest Span and Fully Customizable  Bluff conveyor crossovers are customized to […]

Which Board, Plate or Ramp is Right for Your Customer? New Tool!

To make it easier for you and your team to determine the optimal Bluff product, we have created the Bluff Dock Board, Dock Plate & Container Ramp Selection Guide. Check out & download the sheet here. This sheet shows: What each product is used for, and Provides tools for choosing length, width and capacity Reach […]

Trailer Door Opening

DID YOU KNOW? Most trailer doors are roll ups with an opening of 92″-94″. Swing door trailers have an opening that is 102″ wide. Boards and ramps must have a minimum of 2″ clearance per side to allow for safe, secure, proper placement. Some people ask us for a 96″ wide board for a roll […]