Who has a crystal ball to see into the future?
These days , senior managers, are having to make difficult choices (as we always do) about how much to spend, what to spend it on, and when to spend it. We all wish we knew with certainty what will be different with this economic cycle, but this time it’s even worse than normal… the stats […]
Make organization a winter sport!
Business for some of us slows down in the holiday season and some of us are already on our winter breaks! This is a great time to organize and streamline the efficiency around your plant and warehouse. So, itemize “organizing” in next year’s budget. Investing in specialized storage that is highly efficient for your particular […]
Industrial Mezzanines are Flexible and Affordable
Mezzanines Create More Space The decision to expand your business facility is, while extremely exciting, also fraught with many uncertainties. Does the prospect of increased business merit the expense of acquiring and modifying a new building? Should we find and develop a location for a new facility? What about the disruption of day to day […]
Keg Racks To Improve Storage and Flow
Even if it’s filled with “light beer”, sixer beer kegs can be quite heavy. Weights can vary according to what’s stored inside, but a sixer can weigh in at around 55 pounds with most typical beers. OSHA and the Department of Labor and Industries recommends a lifting limit of 50 pounds, so even allowing for […]
Here’s what’s brewing at Bluff
Did you know there are currently 2,031 breweries in the United States? That’s up by 1,983 breweries in the last 30 years. Amongst them, the craft beer industry is one of the fastest growing segments with 97% fitting the Brewer’s Association’s small and independent craft brewer definition, and representing 10.2% of American overall beer sales. […]
Craft Brews flow right off the shelves with Keg Flow Racks
There’s this wonderful quality about America – it is the heartland of innovation. If you think a product should exist, it probably does or will soon be developed in American laboratories, factories or even garages. One of the things that people admire about America is that you can find practically anything here. If you have […]
Why the U.S. is still one of the best countries to live in

When July comes around, along with the sweltering heat, we also get to feeling a little patriotic. JPMorgan Chase Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon’s Linkedin article highlights some of the reasons why America is still one of the best countries to live in. America boats one of the best militaries and two oceans on either […]
Parts of the economy on the right track and doing better than we think
Besides an improving housing market, some sectors in the economy are still doing better than we think, according to Market Watch. Jobs – even though the unemployment rate remains at 7.5%, raw numbers show that payroll growth is now matching population growth on a nearly one-to-one basis. This is good news in terms of employment. […]
Bridging the gap between younger and older generations
As we get more digital in our communications, the chasm between the older generations and younger generations will only increase. With new generations of smart phones released year-to-year, social media, a booming app industry, and technology only getting smarter everyday, we’re bound to live in digital bubbles communicating only via online messages. And no matter […]
June is safety month – celebrating 100 years of promoting a safer world.
It’s June again. The weather is beautiful (and even unpredictable in certain parts and at certain times). We’re in the midst of summer. And with all things June – we have one more crucial factor to consider – Safety. June is National Safety Month (as promoted by the National Safety Council) and this year’s theme […]